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Choose your fate, or others will.

Attending the Rally?

I have some tips for those of you making the pilgrimage to a Trump Rally… ENJOY!

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Scott Presler has some words for you!

We are making a difference in people’s lives.

The following testimonial was sent to us by Asti Phea.  We would like to hear more of these type of stories, so let’s make it happen.  Please send me your testimonial, so I can share it here and let Vote Actively subscribers know how they are making a difference in your life.  Thank you Asti.  We appreciate your opinion, and we are proud to know of your experience.

“When I attended an event hosted by Vote Actively, I met many different people and learned a wealth of information. I volunteered to help at an event and I learned practical skills and resources to take action in my community. After the event, I took the time to speak to other attendees. The networking opportunities with Vote Actively have been very beneficial. I was able to share my academic career aspirations with others who were willing to share their knowledge and experience in academia with me.  As a first-generation college graduate, navigating graduate school with hopes of obtaining my doctoral degree has been daunting. Fortunately, I met someone at a Vote Actively event who has gone through the Ph.D. experience and was willing to offer their expertise and advice to help me pursue my graduate school. This is just one example of the rewarding experiences I have had by working with Vote Actively. The people involved are very solutions-oriented. They are kind in providing information to help the community as a whole and on an individual level. Vote Actively has a family vibe and welcomes people with conservative values from all demographics. Come to a Vote Actively event and experience the lovely atmosphere for yourself, and bring a friend! “ - Asti Phea

How will you know if critical race theory is taught in your child’s school?

By Kevin Roberts, Ph.D.

The definition of critical race theory is a mystery, according to many educators—but they sure know what isn’t critical race theory: whatever they’re teaching.

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Visit Our “Resources” Page

We have compiled a plethora of resources to keep you connected and informed.  The information is in your hands.  Now, Use it!

Get The Knowledge


Call Your Legislators and Demand Election Integrity. It only takes a few minutes. What is Election Integrity?  The most effective solutions to improve the integrity of our elections are often simple and commonsense.

-Retire old and outdated voting machines, upgrade the technology we use, and move towards employing paper ballots in every state.

-Require risk-limiting, post-election audits of ballots to confirm that reported election results are accurate.

-Ensure paper back-ups of our voter registration databases and electronic voter rolls.

-Eliminate the use of online voting. Ballots cast by email or through an internet portal are vulnerable to hacking.

-All should be working with election officials and administrators at the national, state, and local levels to implement these commonsense solutions to safeguard our elections.

We know that protecting our democracy is not a partisan issue.  When a foreign government or anyone else tries to influence our elections, it weakens all of our votes and voices. We, The American People, deserve answers and real solutions to secure our elections moving forward. 🇺🇸

My Trip To Our Southern Border

A short trip with colleagues to honor the men and women of our Border Patrol turned into an eye-opening experience.  

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