They Have Closed Your Eyes While Opening Our Border

Recently, I had the opportunity to visit our southern border to honor the men and women of our Border Patrol for an appreciation luncheon hosted by Latinos For America First.  Many other grassroots organizations like Vote Actively and Veterans For Trump were there to represent you.  Our Border Patrol Agents are amazing people who are tasked with an impossible and thankless job. In many cases, they are even portrayed as evil, incompetent, or heartless.  That is simply not the case.  My experience with them confirmed my opinion that they are hardworking, professional compassionate individuals who deserve our thanks and respect.  I wanted to take pictures of them for you to see, but I was not allowed.  We delivered over 700 meals to Border Patrol agents currently serving at the front lines here at the Rio Grande in south Texas.

While meeting our Border Patrol was the highlight of my trip, it was a bit overshadowed by the border situation they are trying to control.  The areas we visited near the border seemed on edge.  It seemed as though everywhere we turned we encountered blockades, barbed wire fences surrounding massive tent cities, and long lines of busses prepared to carry who knows whom to who knows where.  We wanted to know what was happening, but everyone was tight-lipped.  Photos were strictly prohibited.  There was no transparency.  I felt as though I was living in a post-apocalyptic sci-fi movie, and I hope it has a happy ending.  Even now, as I write about it, I feel as though I must choose my words carefully.  My experience in Cuba was less restrictive.  This does not seem like America.

All of this left me with nagging questions.  How does this benefit anyone?  I mean, obviously, it benefits the cartels, international drug smugglers and human traffickers, but how does it benefit Americans?  Why has all of this been allowed to happen?  It seems as though policy changes were made, everyone knew that this would be the outcome, so the outcome we are seeing is the goal that was plotted, executed and achieved.  Over the last few years, we had achieved HUGE successes at the border, and it has all been erased by the current administration.  It is disgusting.

A quick trip to see the border wall first-hand left me a little baffled.  A big beautiful wall laid before me, but it was incomplete.  Anyone could just walk around it.  Building equipment and materials are lined up awaiting the President’s word to continue construction but to no avail.  The wall is bought and paid for, but the "resident" in our White House wants to let the materials sit there and rust.  He allows countless invaders to take advantage of you and fill the pockets of drug cartels and human traffickers.  This only seems to make sense if your goal is to help organized crime, give foreign migrants incentive to risk their lives to come here, expose them to criminal elements, and make America less free and less safe.  This was all being prevented by Former President Trump’s policies which President Biden reversed in order to achieve the results we are being kept from seeing now.  If this were a crowning achievement of the Biden administration, it would be touted in the news as an example for the rest of the world to follow.

If I could find one silver lining in all of this, it is the fact that more of us are becoming aware of the situation and refuse to tolerate it.  The Biden Administration is doing all it can to keep this quiet, but the word is getting out.  Border Patrol did their job and kept us at a distance, but what I saw seemed to confirm what we heard from the Republican Senators who visited facilities like these a few weeks ago.

I always make an effort to see things like this first hand, and soon, you must do the same.  They are either lying to us, or they are just bad at what they are supposed to do. Either way, they cannot be trusted, so get out there and see things for yourself.  Do not miss the opportunity.  Please be involved.  Be aware and express your concerns to your elected officials.

I do not put ALL of the blame for this on Joe Biden.  I understand that elections have consequences.  The people who supposedly voted for Joe Biden did so knowing that this could be the outcome.  They were convinced that, somehow, walls are racist and borders are not neighborly.  However, in Texas, we did not vote for this.  Yet, we are being made to bear the brunt of this disaster in our state.  It could be years before we see the economic, social and political fallout from all of this.  We must take action now to minimize it.

Please continue your support of the Thin Green Line.